Reading, understanding, and appreciating original nursing research literature is essential for evidence-based practice (AACN, 2008; QSEN, 2020). This assignment provides a learning activity for students to read an original research study and complete a worksheet to demonstrate understanding of the study purpose, design, sample, data collection, analysis, limitations, conclusions, and the importance of reading research literature.
** The assigned article is **
Lunden, A., Kvist, T., Teras, M. (2021) Readiness and leadership in evidence-based practice and knowledge management: A cross-sectional survey of nursesÂ’ perceptions. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 41(4), 186-196.
Read the required research article assigned, then answer each question in your own words on the required Reading Research Literature (RRL) worksheet about the study.
The NR439 Reading Research Literature Worksheet Rubric must be used
The assignment contains the following and the below can be used to help answer each criteria area of the worksheet. Do not copy and paste the information below into your RRL worksheet. After reading the required research article, think about the research study and include what you learned from reading the study using your own words.
Purpose of the Study: Using information from the required article and your own words, thoroughly summarize the purpose of the study. Describe what the study is about. Thoroughly summarize and include excellent details for the criteria.
Type of Research & the Design: Using information from the required article and your own words, thoroughly summarize the description of the type of research and the design of the study. Include how it supports the purpose (aim or intent) of the study. Thoroughly summarize and include excellent details for the criteria.
Sample: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the population (sample) for the study; include key characteristics, sample size, sampling technique. Thoroughly summarize and include excellent details for the criteria.
Data Collection: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one data that was collected and how the data was collected from the study. Thoroughly summarize and include excellent details for the criteria.
Data Analysis: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one of the data analysis/tests performed or one method of data analysis from the study; include what you know/learned about the descriptive or statistical test or data analysis method. Thoroughly summarize and include excellent details for the criteria.
Limitations: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one limitation reported in the study. Thoroughly summarize and include excellent details for the criteria.
Findings/Discussion: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one of the authorsÂ’ findings/discussion reported in the study. Include one interesting detail you learned from reading the study. Thoroughly summarize and include excellent details for the criteria.
Reading Research Literature: Summarize why it is important for you to read and understand research literature. Summarize what you learned from completing the reading research literature activity worksheet. Thoroughly summarize and include excellent details for the criteria.
Use APA in-text citations. No more than two direct quotes can be used.
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