Why Socrates Refers To Himself As A Gadfly

Question: Socrates speaks of two sorts of accusers the old and the recent. Which does he think are the more dangerous? Why? Why does Socrates refer to himself as a gadfly? What do you think he means by this metaphor? Rubric: 1. Journals must be saved in a Word...

The Challenges Of Managing Data In The Cloud

The IT Guru corporation has recently hired a new Assistant Chief Information Officer (ACIO) to help oversee the organizations IT infrastructure. As the senior network administrator you will be provided the ACIO with a tour of the corporate data center and should be...

Competition In The Auto Industry

‘Tesla and its flamboyant, and sometimes erratic, innovator Elon Musk have turned the more than a century old industry upside down in a mere 16 years. Traditional automakers are ill prepared to compete in today’s software-centered world. Unlike nimble Tesla, they are...
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